Fit and Fall Proof

Falls are the leading cause of death and disability among the older adult population in Idaho and the United States.  Each year, about one in four adults (28%) of adults age 65 and older report falling each year in the United States.  This results in about 36 million falls each year.  While not all fall result in an injury, about 37% of those who fall reported an injury that required medical treatment or restricted their activity for at least one day, resulting in an estimated 8 million fall injuries.  Idaho fall rates are the highest in the nation with 33.6% of Idaho older adults who have fallen.

Falls are serious and costly, but there are some things you can do to prevent falls. Talk to your medical provider and have them evaluate your fall risk.  Then, get active.  Fit and Fall Proof™ is a FREE exercise-based fall prevention program for older adults in Idaho, designed to focus on functional movements that reduce the risk of falls.  Classes are designed to help individuals increase their balance, mobility, flexibility, strength, and confidence.  

Fit and Fall Proof™ is a program to help older adults maintain or regain the ability to perform tasks in their daily life while meeting new people and establishing strong friendships along the way.

Contact Us

Timalee Geisler, MHE
Phone: 208-533-3149