Underage Drinking Prevention

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Underage Drinking Prevention

Eastern Idaho Public Health has the exciting opportunity to offer a free online alcohol and other drug education course for youth and parents. To learn more visit 3rd Millennium Classroom

If you would like to enroll in a course, contact Mallory Johnson at mjohnson@eiph.idaho.gov or (208) 533-3221.

Research suggests children who feel close to their parents are less likely to drink. Fifteen minutes of one-on-one time together each day is a way to help your child with the day to day challenges they face. The  30-Day Parent Challenge has a list of ideas to engage your child/children daily.

Idaho’s BeTheParents.org has resources to help recognize warning signs of underage drinking, how to talk with kids about alcohol, a plan to remove themselves from an unsafe situation, and evidence-based research that shows some of the consequences of underage drinking (including unplanned and unwanted sexual activity, brain impairment, and even death).

BeTheParents also has ideas to help encourage teens to pursue their passion. Having a passion or hobby can reduce stress and boost self-confidence along with developing a positive self-image. Engaging in a healthy hobby reduces opportunities for unsafe activities such as underage drinking.