Register to Become a MRC Volunteer

Follow These Easy Steps to Become a MRC Volunteer

1. Breastfeeding provides warmth and closeness.

Click on the link below or type the address
into your web browser

2. When you get to the main page (shown at right) click on the link that says “Register Now.”

3. You will be directed to a page with a map. If you would like to read about the MRC in your area, you can click on your county on the map.

When you are ready, complete the registration process by clicking on the link that says “Continue to Registration.”

4. You will be asked to choose a user name, password, and challenge question. It is a good idea for you to keep a record of this information. Next, you will be directed to a “Welcome” page. Then, click “Next.”

5. You will be asked to choose the MRC group you want to join. You can choose whichever one you like, but if you live in Bonneville, Jefferson, Madison, Fremont, Clark, Teton, Lemhi, or Custer Counties, you live in the area covered by the
Eastern Idaho Medical Reserve Corps.

6. Please complete the registration by supplying the information requested on the next few pages. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required. There are four pages you need to complete. When you have completed the “General Information” page, click on the box that says “Credentials and Licenses,” then the “Background Information” box, and finally the “Acknowledgement” box.

7. When you have completed the four areas, click on the “Submit” button in the lower right corner. It is important for you to provide us with your license number so that we can verify your credentials before you are asked to respond to an incident.

8. If you do not have a medical background with a license of any kind, you are still needed in our Medical Reserve Corps. When asked for your profession, you should choose “lay non-healthcare volunteer.”

9. You will receive a welcome e-mail. To complete the process, please click on the link provided in the e-mail to validate your e-mail address.

10. If you do not receive a welcome e-mail, check to see if it is in your SPAM or JUNK folder.

11. Please note: You are not officially registered in the Volunteer Idaho system until you get the welcome e-mail and respond to it.

12. When you click on the link in the welcome e-mail, it will take you back to your home page in the Volunteer Idaho site where you can explore the site.