General Forms
- To Apply/Reapply for WIC fill out this form.
- Health Assessment Form
Used by health care providers to share WIC participant anthropometric measurements and Lead/Hemoglobin results with WIC. Idaho Falls Fax: 208-533-3258. - WIC Medical Documentation Form
To be completed by health care providers requesting therapeutic formula/nutritionals for WIC participants. Complete form and return to the WIC clinic for authorization.
Idaho Falls Fax: 208-533-3258. - WIC Release of Information | Español

English Forms
- What is WIC?
- WIC Participants Rights and Responsibilities
- WIC Food List (effective 10/1/23)
Spanish Forms
How To Use Your New WIC Card
Como Usar Su Nueva Tarjeta De WIC
USDA is an equal opportunity provider. USDA es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.